On Friday 23rd February 2018, Legibra attended an event organized by KENIC. The event took place at Pride Inn hotel, Westlands. Although all Kenyan domain registrars were invited to the event, most di
The internet has changed the way Africans communicate, the way we receive and find information, how we do business, and the way we manage our lives. In particular, the internet has changed how we shop
As I’m writing this I’m excited to have new members join our hosting team. However, with new members often comes new responsibilities. As such, over the last month I have been trying to bring ever
While the vast majority of all inadvertent domain losses are the result of accidental domain expiry, there are occasional attempts to “hi-jack” a domain name without consent or knowledge
The use of websites has continuously gained popularity in Kenya over the recent years. According to a research by the Communication Authority of Kenya, at least 50% of Kenyan businesses have a website
Every year, millions of domains names expire. In too many cases it happens unintentionally, the owners miss the renewal notices for various reasons and they do not figure out that they are in the proc