Email group

How to create email group in cpanel

Email group allows you to send one email to multiple recipients while maintaining each recipient email account confidential.

Steps for creating email group

1.Log in into your cPanel,

2. Scroll down to email section and click on email accounts to create a group email.


3. Type in email account details i.e username and password. Remember to check on unlimited option then click on create account.

4. Go back home and click on email filters under email category.

5. Locate the email account you have created for example@legibra then click on manage filters.

6. Click on create a new filter.

7. Type in a filter name, under rules section, choose to and contains then type in your group email.


8. At actions section, kindly choose “redirect to email” then add email addresses and create on create. You can add multiple email addresses by clicking on a + button. See the example below.

All the best!!



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