To prevent cyber security attacks in Kenya, Cyber Security Should Start at The Board Level

What G-suite Means For Your Business

If you’ve ever thought about moving your business from Gmail to something that suits your business better, you should consider getting a G-suite. What is G-suite? Of course, G-suite, as suit-able as it sounds is entirely the kind of transformation you need your business to experience. G Suite has Gmail, Hangouts, Calendar, and Google+ for communication. If it is suitable for communication, then trust me, it is good for business. In case you also have worries about storage, G-suite comprises a drive which will help you sort that out.

Basically, you will need a G-suite one of these coming days because it will help you in a significant number of ways.

Why do you need G-suite?

You need a G-suite for many reasons, but most importantly, these are the reasons whys your business wants a G-suite;


G-suite allows you to own all your employee email accounts. You know what this means. Well, often, your employees may leave your organization to work somewhere else. Usually, this might be challenging in regards to keeping in touch with your business clients. However, when employees leave your business to work with your competitors or startups, you have the advantage of keeping the email accounts. That way, you can continue keeping in touch with all the customers who were in their contact list.

File ownership is also significant. G-suite allows the company to own the documents and other files that were initially created by an employee, who is leaving the organization. Most organizations advocate for a backup system which allows the organization to own all files created by the employees. G-suite has a drive which is a cloud backup like dropbox. While this might seem complex to understand, I assure you there is nothing scary about cloud storage. You could try and read more on it and know why you might be missing out on a great deal of business effectiveness.

Group Email Addresses

It is highly useful to be able to send a message to a larger audience at once. Creating group email addresses is a simple way to effective communication in your organization. Frequently, we tend to waste a lot of time trying to reach a larger audience by sending messages to each of them. G-suite helps you create email addresses from where you can package information and send it out there at once while reaching everyone.

Additionally, if you are a G-suite user, you can create multiple email addresses.     

More File Storage

Did you know that with G-suite you get default storage of 30GB as opposed to the 15GB by Gmail? Also, there are a number of ways you can use to expand this storage space. G-suite allows you to share documents with your team. When you need to give them view-only access to a document, you only have to work that out at the comfort of your desk.

Get a G-suite account

Well, your business needs to do well in one way or the other. G-suite serves your company nearly enough as you do your customers. It ensures you don’t have to be trapped in the back and forth of delayed communication, poor file accessibility, and also, ownership of your files and email accounts.

Starting early enough will guarantee your business a success in the near future if not soon enough. Try out G-suite and let your company experience the best transformation ever. Hire us today because we are the best.

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