How Internet changed Business

5 Ways The Internet Changed Business

Can you imagine a business day without email, Twitter or Facebook?

Just close your eyes for a moment and think about what a working day looked like before the internet. I know, it’s hard to fathom, especially since the web has become such an essential part of every business.

Before the world wide web (www), (that’s 25 years ago) a company opened a storefront, put ads in the local paper, joined local networking organizations and hoped the local customers needed what they had in store. Today, however, following the inception of the internet, business is no longer dependent on its local customer base for survival; it now has access to a worldwide audience for its products and services.

In the past three years alone, business processes have changed and made organizations more efficient at the same time opening lines of communication. Let’s take a deeper look into how the internet has changed the way we do business;

5 Ways the Internet Changed Business

  1. The Internet has Changed The Way we Buy
    How Internet changed Business

    How Internet changed Business

Before the introductions of the internet, consumers would have to walk into a store to get the product or service they want. Today, however, you only need to go to an E-commerce store, scroll through the selection of goods, get reviews from previous customers, and purchase what you like. Because of the numerous perks of online buying like better prices and convenience, more people are switching to online stores.

 Read More : E-commerce Platforms in Kenya; What’s The Fuss About?

2. The internet has made business faster

Before the internet era, you had to wait for a major business document to be delivered via the post office, and meetings always meant going for a face-to-face date with a prospect. Today, it only takes less than a second to send and receive an email and meetings can be done via Skype regardless of the physical location of your prospect. What’s more, automated tasking systems have cut down on organizational bureaucracy, streamlining operations and adding responsiveness to interactions.

3. The Internet has Changed Customer Service

Two decades ago, you could afford to do business with an ‘okay’ customer service. If you try the same thing today, chances are you’ll incur a hateful rant on Twitter, or you’ll suffer bad reviews on sites like Yelp. When you consider that a customer who has had a bad experience will tell 16 other consumers, you start to understand why businesses are keen on hiring social media managers.

4. The Internet has changed the way we Advertise

When the way we buy changes, advertising techniques also change accordingly. Keeping in mind that even when customers are in a store, they still go online to compare the different products available, businesses have adopted online marketing strategies to ensure that they provide all the information needed by consumers. Websites, email marketing, paid social media adverts and blogs are some of the tactics that allow business owners to advertise effectively and reach millions of potential customers.

Read More: What is Website Marketing?

5. The Internet has reduced Business Overhead Costs

How Internet changed Business

How Internet changed Business

Why go to work 5 days a week when you only need a PC or laptop? This process, referred to as telecommuting, allows a business to decrease its overhead costs since employees only need office equipment to work from home. This not only saves on space but also means fewer office utilities are used. According to the Suite Commute website, 33.7 million employees telecommuted on 2007 alone.


In conclusion, the internet has radically changed how we do business. Today, when a prospect learns of your business, they first thing they do is Google your name. Next, they click on your personal website link to learn about you or your business website to learn more about your products/services. When the prospect finally approaches you, he/she already knows who you are and what you do.

Do you have a plan to capture the business?

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